How to clean the room quickly and efficiently

Editor:嘉兴市捷豪清洁用品有限公司 │ Release Time:2022-11-09 

1. Remove the odor from the kitchen sink, put an appropriate amount of salt into a pot of boiling water, turn it into a pot of thick salt water, and slowly pour it into the pool.This can wash away the dirt on the inner wall of the water pipe and effectively remove the odor.

2. Cleverly remove the greasy screens. You can put the washing powder and the remaining cigarette butts in the water together, and use it to wipe the glass windows and screens after dissolving. The effect is good.

3. To clean the dirt on the gas stove, use a scouring pad and decontamination liquid to brush hard, but it is not necessarily completely clean. Here is a way to introduce to you: use flour instead of decontamination liquid (flour, regardless of whether it is low-gluten, medium-gluten, or high-gluten flour), dip a scouring pad in flour to wipe it, you can easily wipe the grease clean.If you haven't cleaned the gas stove for a long time, you need to use a little effort!It definitely doesn't hurt the jade hand, it doesn't hurt the gas stove, and after brushing it, it's like changing to a new one.

4. Wipe the glass with waste newspapers. The absorption of the newspapers themselves is very strong, and it is not easy to shed chips. It is perfect for wiping the glass.Spray the glass cleaner on the glass, rub the newspaper, wipe it horizontally, and then wipe it vertically, and the glass will immediately brighten.

5. Egg white can not only wipe the dirt on the leather sofa, but also “beautify” the leather sofa.Very simple, wipe the leather sofa with a clean flannel cloth dipped in some egg white, which can not only remove stains, but also make the leather surface as bright as ever.

6. Wipe the refrigerator shell with the toothpaste used for brushing teeth at home.The general dirt of the refrigerator shell can be slowly wiped with a soft cloth dipped in a little toothpaste.If the stain is stubborn, squeeze more toothpaste and wipe it repeatedly with a cloth.The refrigerator will return to smoothness.Because toothpaste contains abrasives, it has very strong decontamination power.

7. Remove the odor from the sewer and prepare a grapefruit that you often eat at home. Peel off the grapefruit peel, cut into small pieces, and put it in a pot; pour in water, heat over high heat and boil, continue to cook over medium heat for 10 minutes, then remove and pour the water into the sewer while it is hot.

8. Clean the wooden furniture at home with expired milk. Take a clean rag and soak it in the expired milk, then wipe the wooden furniture such as tables and cabinets. The decontamination effect is very good. Remember to change to a clean wet rag at the end and wipe it again.The wooden furniture on the painted surface is stained with dust. It can be wiped with wet gauze wrapped in tea residue or scrubbed with cold tea water, which will be smoother and brighter.